Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Home interrior. Columns were marbleized and frieze
was created by embossing scroll work and adding foam
crown moulding.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Pope Pau lPavilion

Pope Pau lPavilion, originally uploaded by adandcompany.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Tuscany Mural (in studio)

Tuscany Mural (in studio), originally uploaded by adandcompany.

This is the finished mural, in my studio in Milwaukee, Wis.

tuscany sketch done

tuscany sketch done, originally uploaded by adandcompany.

This is a sketch that I did for a residential mural. The sketch showed the client my concept for the finished piece.

Saturday, June 2, 2007


11addvd, originally uploaded by adandcompany.

This is a Christopher Colombus mural painted by Italian master Louis Gregorie. The mural is at Nortre Dame University (South Bend, Ind.). Working for over two years restoring the lifetime work of Gregorie, I literally traced every brush stroke of the master.